I have recently started learning Flex and the backend is grails. After playing with following 3 grails plugins which supports flex, I chose gdsflex and have seriously started learning it.
1. flex-scaffold
2. flex
3. gdsflex 0.5 ver
In this blog we would discuss about gdsflex. I tried the programs given in the blog(http://www.grails.org/plugin/gdsflex) but I had to make some changes to the code, which I am going to share now.
Install plugin :
grails install-plugin gdsflex
To be on the safer side, run the following command as there were some issues with initial versions of gdsflex.
grails gas3
Create a domain classes
class Person {Create a people controller :
Long id;
Integer version
String uid
String firstName
String lastName
Setcontacts = []
static hasMany = [contacts:Contact]
static mapping = {
contacts cascade:"all,delete-orphan"
class Contact {
Long id;
Integer version
String uid
Person person
String email
static belongsTo=Person
Create a mxml file in flex folder a sub directory of view folder :
import org.granite.tide.annotations.TideEnabled
class PeopleController {
List people
def list = {
people = Person.list();
< mx:Application
backgroundGradientColors="[#0e2e7d, #6479ab]"
preinitialize="Spring.getInstance().initApplication()" >
< mx:Script > < ![CDATA[ import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
import org.granite.tide.spring.Spring;
import org.granite.tide.events.TideResultEvent;
import org.granite.tide.events.TideFaultEvent;
import Person;
import Contact;
public var peopleController:Object;
public var people:ArrayCollection;
public var dummyPerson:Person;
public var dummyContact:Contact;
private function getList():void {
} ]]>
< /mx:Script >
< mx:VBox width="100%" >
< mx:HBox >
< mx:Button id="bList" label="Get list" click="getList()"/ >
< /mx:HBox >
< mx:HBox width="100%" >
< mx:DataGrid id="dgPeople" dataProvider="{people}"
change="dgContacts.dataProvider = dgPeople.selectedItem.contacts" >
< mx:columns >
< mx:DataGridColumn dataField="firstName"/ >
< /mx:columns >
< /mx:DataGrid >
< mx:DataGrid id="dgContacts" >
< mx:columns >
< mx:DataGridColumn dataField="email"/ >
< /mx:columns >
< /mx:DataGrid >
< /mx:HBox >
< /mx:VBox >
< /mx:Application >
To create dummy data to test the application, you may write the following code in init closure of booStrap.groovy file
Person person
Contact contact
(0..10).each {
person = new Person(firstName:'Amit' + it, lastName:'Jain' + it)
contact = new Contact(email:'amitjain1982@gmail.com_'+ it,person: person)
To run the application, firstly execute
grails run-app applicationName
grails mxmlc //to compile all mxml files as gdsflex 0.5 version doesn't auto compile file
Execute the following url in the browser
http://localhost:8080/appName/fileName.swf //here fileName is the name of mxml file.
You are ready to go. You have implemented lazy initialization using flex on grails.
~~Amit Jain~~
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