Hello friends,
I am learning flex 3 these days as I wrote in my previous blog. Today I found a very useful link which explains about crud functionality of flex on grails. Its easy to understand and directly implementable. Check this
I have also found few more useful links which are as follows :
1. http://blog.xebia.com/2008/02/20/tutorial-master-detail-screen-in-flex-backed-up-by-grails-application/
2. http://www.infoq.com/articles/flex-grails
3. http://corfield.org/blog/index.cfm/do/blog.entry/entry/Grails_and_Flex
4. http://sites.google.com/site/flexongrails/
5. http://www.adobe.com/devnet/flex/articles/flex_grails.html (controller support)
6. http://marceloverdijk.blogspot.com/2007/08/another-sexy-flex-grails-example.html
7. https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/web/library/wa-riagrails1/
8. Install GDS Plugin - http://www.grails.org/plugin/gdsflex
9. http://learn.adobe.com/wiki/display/Flex/Get+oriented+to+Flex
10. http://livedocs.adobe.com/flex/3/html/help.html?content=Part7_DataVis_1.html
11. http://graniteds.blogspot.com/2009/04/building-flex-multi-tab-crud.html
# Few websites designed using flex.
1. http://www.disney.in/DisneyChannel/supersites/sonnywithachance/
2. http://stevenmerrilltenor.com/
Hope these links would help you learn flex.
~~Amit Jain~~
Monday, July 13, 2009
Monday, July 6, 2009
Flex on grails : How flex interacts with controllers/services
Hello friends,
I have recently started learning Flex and the backend is grails. After playing with following 3 grails plugins which supports flex, I chose gdsflex and have seriously started learning it.
1. flex-scaffold
2. flex
3. gdsflex 0.5 ver
In this blog we would discuss about gdsflex. I tried the programs given in the blog(http://www.grails.org/plugin/gdsflex) but I had to make some changes to the code, which I am going to share now.
Install plugin :
To be on the safer side, run the following command as there were some issues with initial versions of gdsflex.
Create a domain classes
To create dummy data to test the application, you may write the following code in init closure of booStrap.groovy file
To run the application, firstly execute
You are ready to go. You have implemented lazy initialization using flex on grails.
~~Amit Jain~~
I have recently started learning Flex and the backend is grails. After playing with following 3 grails plugins which supports flex, I chose gdsflex and have seriously started learning it.
1. flex-scaffold
2. flex
3. gdsflex 0.5 ver
In this blog we would discuss about gdsflex. I tried the programs given in the blog(http://www.grails.org/plugin/gdsflex) but I had to make some changes to the code, which I am going to share now.
Install plugin :
grails install-plugin gdsflex
To be on the safer side, run the following command as there were some issues with initial versions of gdsflex.
grails gas3
Create a domain classes
class Person {Create a people controller :
Long id;
Integer version
String uid
String firstName
String lastName
Setcontacts = []
static hasMany = [contacts:Contact]
static mapping = {
contacts cascade:"all,delete-orphan"
class Contact {
Long id;
Integer version
String uid
Person person
String email
static belongsTo=Person
Create a mxml file in flex folder a sub directory of view folder :
import org.granite.tide.annotations.TideEnabled
class PeopleController {
List people
def list = {
people = Person.list();
< mx:Application
backgroundGradientColors="[#0e2e7d, #6479ab]"
preinitialize="Spring.getInstance().initApplication()" >
< mx:Script > < ![CDATA[ import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
import org.granite.tide.spring.Spring;
import org.granite.tide.events.TideResultEvent;
import org.granite.tide.events.TideFaultEvent;
import Person;
import Contact;
public var peopleController:Object;
public var people:ArrayCollection;
public var dummyPerson:Person;
public var dummyContact:Contact;
private function getList():void {
} ]]>
< /mx:Script >
< mx:VBox width="100%" >
< mx:HBox >
< mx:Button id="bList" label="Get list" click="getList()"/ >
< /mx:HBox >
< mx:HBox width="100%" >
< mx:DataGrid id="dgPeople" dataProvider="{people}"
change="dgContacts.dataProvider = dgPeople.selectedItem.contacts" >
< mx:columns >
< mx:DataGridColumn dataField="firstName"/ >
< /mx:columns >
< /mx:DataGrid >
< mx:DataGrid id="dgContacts" >
< mx:columns >
< mx:DataGridColumn dataField="email"/ >
< /mx:columns >
< /mx:DataGrid >
< /mx:HBox >
< /mx:VBox >
< /mx:Application >
To create dummy data to test the application, you may write the following code in init closure of booStrap.groovy file
Person person
Contact contact
(0..10).each {
person = new Person(firstName:'Amit' + it, lastName:'Jain' + it)
contact = new Contact(email:'amitjain1982@gmail.com_'+ it,person: person)
To run the application, firstly execute
grails run-app applicationName
grails mxmlc //to compile all mxml files as gdsflex 0.5 version doesn't auto compile file
Execute the following url in the browser
http://localhost:8080/appName/fileName.swf //here fileName is the name of mxml file.
You are ready to go. You have implemented lazy initialization using flex on grails.
~~Amit Jain~~
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