So Lets consider I have a domain class with the name Person
class Person {
bytes[] picture
static constraints = {
picture(size:0..5000000) // to store files upto 5MB approx
Once we have a field with a byte[] defined in the class then automatically its view is generated with a input tag of file type in html, which returns the MultipartFile object in the controller. MultipartFile provides various useful methods which can be used getBytes(), getSize(), getContentType(), getName() etc.
So as MultipartFile object returs the byte[] which is to be stored in a picture property of a person class, in the save action of the PersonController Lets see how we do it :
person.picture = params.picture
or = params
//Now the person object holds the image and lets save it
We are done with file uploading. Now to render the image/file, lets have a separate controller in a controller directory, where we would define the action to generate the image:
class ImageController { def defaultAction ='show'
def show= {
//loads the class with a name and assigns obj a new instance created of the same object
def obj = Class.forName("${params.classname}",true,Thread.currentThread().contextClassLoader).newInstance();
def object = obj.get( )
byte[] image = object."${params.fieldName}"
response.outputStream << image
Now where ever we want to display the image, we can just include the following tag:
<img src="${createLink(controller:'image',, params:[fieldName:"picture", classname:'Person'])}" / >
Note : The above code can be dangerous as a hacker can modify the className and feildName in the query string and get the hidden information.
Hope this helped.
~Amit Jain~
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